5 Ways to Tell If You Need to Replace Your Tires

Posted on: 1 September 2023

Tires are one of the most important parts of your vehicle. They support your car's weight, help you maintain control around turns, and give you traction on slick roads. And, just like any other car part, they wear out over time. But how do you know when it's time to replace them? This post will look at five easy ways to tell if you need new tires.

Tread Depth

One simple way to check your tire's health is to examine the tread depth. Tread depth refers to the distance from the highest point of the tread to the lowest point of the tire's deepest grooves. A simple way to tell is to place a penny, head down, in the tread. If you can see Lincoln's entire head, your tires are too worn.

Tire Age

While tires are designed to last for a long time, they won't last forever. In general, tires should be replaced after several years, regardless of mileage. Even if they appear to be in good condition, the rubber can dry out, causing cracking and loss of flexibility. If your tires are more than a few years old, it's time to start thinking about replacing them.

Damaged Sidewalls

The sidewall is the part of the tire that connects the tread to the inner liner. It's responsible for absorbing shock and protecting the tire from damage. If you notice any cuts, cracks, bubbles, or bulges on the sidewalls of your tires, it's time to replace them. These are signs that the strength and integrity of the tire have been compromised.


If you notice a vibration in your steering wheel or vehicle at high speeds, it could be caused by an unbalanced or misaligned tire. While it's not always a sign that you need to replace your tires, it's essential to have them inspected by a professional. If the vibration is due to a tire problem, it's safer to replace the tire than continue to use it.

Poor Performance

If your tires are not performing like they used to, it might be time for an upgrade. Signs that your tires may be losing their grip include poor traction on wet or slippery roads, decreased responsiveness in steering, or longer stopping distances. These problems can be dangerous and should be remedied as soon as possible.

Your tires are critical for your safety, and they need to be in good condition to perform effectively. Regular inspection of your tires using the methods above can help keep you, your passengers, and your car secure. If you're unsure about the condition of your tires or have concerns, it's best to have them checked by a professional. Remember, a little prevention goes a long way in car safety, and that includes your tires.

Contact a local tire service to learn more. 
